Impact of the System Price calculations changes on Eslink and Nordbalt cables

The system price calculation is planned to be changed for Finland-Estonia (Estlink) and Sweden-Lithuania (NordBalt) interconnections. The changes will be effective from January 9, 2019, and imply that the power flow on Estlink and NordBalt cables from the area price calculation also are used as input to the system price calculation. According to Nord Pool, a separate power flow at system price will no longer be calculated for these cables.

What are the impacts on the system price?

What are the impacts on the power flow?

And how will these changes affect their respective EPADs?

We have now analyzed this issue and this is available for 750 EUR. The study contains both written documents and result file.

If this is of any interest please contact:

Kurt Sveggen
Deputy Managing Director
Tel: +47 909 53 044


Svein Nyland
Head of Analysis
Tel: +47 952 52 219