Baltic Module

Providing valuable information
on integrating Baltic countries

Baltic module provides tools for traders, analysts, portfolio managers, production planners, and top management and includes essential statistics and forecasts for the Baltic countries. Baltic market will be fully integrated in the Nordic power market further increasing its effect on the original market. This caused the need to release the Baltic module.

Baltic Module offers
  • Online platform
    • Fundamental power market analysis
      • Statistical and fundamental models
      • Short and long-term analyses
    • All fundamental market information available in one IT-portal
    • Daily power price forecasts
      • Forecasts for all Baltic price areas
      • Daily and hourly resolution 28 days ahead
      • Weekly resolution 5 years ahead
    • Special reports on topical subjects
    • Operational weather forecasts from Hirlam, GFS and EC. Three forecast points in all Baltic countries.

The Baltic module is add on module to SYSPOWER and is priced separately on a monthly basis.

If you have any questions about this product please contact us using contact information in the right column.